Prime News Ghana

Today's Ghana Business, Banking and Economic news

Economy in crisis, Gov’t confesses

Contrary to government’s denial of a weakening economy, Business Finder can confirm that the same government has admitted difficult economic times to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Report: Ghana in serious debt crisis

A new report, jointly published by seven organizations, has revealed that Ghana is in a debt crisis because the country is losing around 30% of government revenue in external debt payments each year.

Leading by example: Vodafone CEO Rides Bike to Work

The Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Ghana, Yolanda Cuba has led a team of employees to cycle to work as part of a Vodafone group-wide campaign dubbed ‘Global Wellbeing Month’.

Fuel price increment untrue - NPA

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has refuted claims of upward fuel prices as reported in the media as a result of a statement by  The Chamber of Petroleum Consumers Ghana (COPECGH ), the NPA has urged the general public to ignore media reports and also treat such report with contempt.

Let’s reduce dependency on oil and gas – BoG

The Bank of Ghana has stated the bank in collaboration with some stakeholders have resolved to transform and expand the country’s export base and also emphasized the need for commercial banks in Ghana to create innovative products that will focus on developing the agricultural sector. Following the consistent appreciation of the cedi against major trading currencies.

Light notes from the 2016 CIMG Awards

Humans, being the social creatures we are, love to sharpen our social skills when the opportunity presents itself and at the 2016 Charted Institute of Marketing, Ghana Awards in Accra deserving marketers and other business notables were rewarded for their immense work in 2015, at the State Banquet Hall in Accra on October 8.

YFM Launches App

YFM, Ghana’s number one urban radio station, has created a new application to help improve interactivity among its teaming listeners.