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10 New Year resolutions that will bring you and your partner closer in 2022

By PrimeNewsGhana
10 New Year resolutions that will bring you and your partner closer in 2022
10 New Year resolutions that will bring you and your partner closer in 2022
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As we look to say goodbye to 2021, many of us will be making a list of resolutions for 2022 that can improve our lives—mind, body and soul.

Whether it’s about losing weight and getting fit or giving up alcohol and smoking, there are tonnes of healthy habits we can incorporate in our daily lives.

But, amid all these resolutions, we forget to talk about things we can do with our partners in the New Year to strengthen our bond.

Given how the pandemic has affected and will continue to affect our lives in 2022, making a New Year’s resolution with your partner is a step towards success.

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However, it’s always a good idea to have things written down to measure your progress.

Before making New Year resolutions, ask yourself these five questions:

  1. What were your favourite moments with your partner this year?
  2. What is that one/more thing(s) about you that your partner really appreciated this year?
  3. What is it that you could do to support your partner in the next year?
  4. What is the one thing that your partner would like you to work on this year?
  5. What is that one or more thing(s) you and your partner can do together to improve your relationship?

New Year’s resolution for couples

We may not be able to predict much about 2022, but making these commitments as a couple can help your relationship get stronger.

  1. Spend more time together. Spend at least 30 minutes talking to each other every day without distractions.
  2. Set a goal to do more things as a couple. Whether it’s completing day-to-day chores or celebrating special occasions, you can always find more ways to enjoy each other’s company.
  3. Have a weekly date night. Resolve to go on more dates in 2022. Remember, a date night doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy — just make sure you’re making plans together as a couple.
  4. Be more honest with each other. Have less secrets, communicate more. Make a pact to tell each other everything and your relationship will definitely improve.
  5. Try something new every month. Novelty keeps love alive in a relationship. Make a New Year’s resolution to do one new thing together every month. This can be traveling to a new city, learning something new together, trying a new cuisine, or doing a new fun activity.
  6. Focus on more intimacy. Hold hands and cuddle more. Why not write a love letter to your partner? Add more spontaneous romantic gestures. You can make 2022 a year of passion for you and your partner.
  7. Make time for sex. Sex is good for your health, mood, and relationship. Communicate your desires and your needs. Be sensitive, open and understanding. Seek help from a trusted professional if need be.
  8. Sweet gestures matter. Being sweet to your significant other is not overrated. From cooking dinner to surprising him or her with oh-so-affectionate texts and unexpected gifts, it’s the little things that can make a big difference.
  9. Spend more time with friends and family as a couple. Take your relationship to new heights by spending time with family and friends together. You’ll both grow stronger as a couple by being with your loved ones, and your inner circle will get to know your partner even better. It’s a win-win.
  10. Say “I Love You” at least once a day. If you don’t already, say “I love you” to your partner every day. Take the next 12 months to show your partner how much you care for them.

A good sexual relationship is built on emotional intimacy. Your resolutions, of course, will depend on your unique situation.

The idea is to spend more time together and grow, both individually and as a couple.

Jot down your New Year resolutions and stick them onto your refrigerator door or maybe frame it and put it up on your bedroom wall. Follow them as much as you can and see your relationship bloom.