Prime News Ghana

Ghana on high alert over 1,800 Nigeria jailbreakers

By Justice Kofi Bimpeh
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The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) has in a wireless message put Ghana on a high alert over 1,800 jailbreakers in Nigeria.

The wireless message has directed all Border Control Commanders to be on high-security alert to prevent the criminals from entering Ghana.

"Information gathered by the Service indicates that more than 1,800 prisoners escaped from the Owerri Custodial Centre, Imo State – Nigeria on Monday, 5th April 2021.

"I am directed to bring the incident to the attention of all controls. You are to inform officers and men under your
command to take note and be on high-security alert to prevent the entry of these criminal escapees from entering
the country," the statement said.

"Treat as urgent and act accordingly," the statement concluded




More than 1,800 inmates have escaped from a prison in Nigeria after it was attacked by gunmen, officials say.

The attackers reportedly entered the prison yard in the south-eastern town of Owerri by using explosives to blast the administrative block.

Six prisoners have reportedly returned, while 35 refused to escape.

Police have accused the banned separatist group, the Indigenous People of Biafra, of carrying out the attack. It has reportedly denied involvement.

The Nigerian Correctional Service has confirmed that 1,844 inmates escaped from the jail in Imo state.

Heavily armed men stormed the Owerri Custodial Centre in the early hours of Monday, after arriving in pickup trucks and buses, the service said.

A police spokesperson said the attackers carried rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns, explosives and rifles.