Prime News Ghana

Akufo-Addo releases full KPMG report on GRA-SML deal

By Vincent Ashitey
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President Akufo-Addo has released the KPMG audit report on the controversial contract between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Strategic Mobilisation Limited (SML).

This follows demands by a section of Ghanaians including civil society organisations after the Presidency refused a Right To Information (RTI) request by the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), seeking the full KPMG audit report.

However, a statement signed by Director of Communications, Eugene Arhin, explained that “the President, in the interest of full transparency in governance, openness, and honesty with the public, has decided to waive the privilege under section 5 of the RTI Act and has directed the publication of the KPMG report in full.”

The statement noted that, even before MFWA’s request, President Akufo-Addo had on April 24, 2024, had directed a detailed press statement outlining KPMG’s full report and recommendation as well as the directives to the Finance Ministry and GRA.

Read full report here.