Prime News Ghana

DKB’s 'Point of View' show well patronized

By Michael Eli Dokosi
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 Some might have doubted if comic Derrick Kobina Bonney (DKB) had enough gas to stage a major show, 'Point of View' but the Big Brother Africa housemate proved over the weekend that he has arrived.

The day had an even more special feel when show host and veteran humour merchant Kweku Sintim Misa (KSM) opened DKB’s act and proclaimed him heir to the Ghanaian comedy throne.

"I am here today and I'm very happy for these young guys (comedians). Show them some love. They have taken GH comedy to a new level and I am extremely proud of them. I hosted DKB some time ago on my show and I said DKB, one day you are going to get there and I am going to open for you. He thought I was lying, so when he talked about this show, I was like no problem, I will be there and I will open it for you. That is why I am here today.

"When I see DKB he says KSM you are the man and I say no, I was the man. Now you are the man. I am very proud of him, so it is my pleasure and my duty to introduce to you the new King of Comedy DKB" KSM thundered.

Performing for close to an hour at the National Theatre to an enthusiastic crowd, DKB touched on freebies love by the citizens, preference for hell by Ghanaians were it to be free, Americans and their gun love, homosexuality in Africa and the U.S, UK Visa acquisition charges, local entertainers, Indian gestures, native politicians and bribe-taking antics of the police.

Pleased with his new comedy crown and title DBK remarked: "They said we were not funny but here we are. So now I want to tell you something, God made no mistake in making KSM, who is the godfather of comedy, to call me the new king of comedy."

Comedians Khemical, James Brown, Ajeezay De Non-fa King, Foster, Jacinta and Hogan also mounted the stage as did rappers E.L and Edem.