Prime News Ghana

MoH launches Health Television

By Primenewsghana
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To transform the dissemination of health information and empower citizens to make informed health decisions, the Ministry of Health has launched a Health Television.

The outgoing Minister for Health, Mr Kwaku Agyemang-Manu, who launched the station in Accra, said the Ministry recognised that knowledge is the cornerstone of empowerment, adding that “through MoH TV, we pledge to equip our people with the information they need to lead healthier lives.”

He reiterated that MoH TV would be a platform for dialogue, innovation and collective action.

The Minister said, “It is a manifestation of our belief that every Ghanaian deserves access to accurate and reliable health information regardless of their background or circumstances.”

 “Our vision for MoH TV is clear: to emerge as the pre-eminent source of reliable health information, a beacon of knowledge, illuminating the path towards better health outcomes for all Ghanaians. Through engaging television programming, we aim to transcend the mere dissemination of facts; we aspire to ignite conversations, foster understanding and inspire action,” he emphasised.