Prime News Ghana

Are You Ready To Lose Your Ms'Right ?

By Michael Klugey
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If you've found the girl of your dreams, it's perfectly natural that you may be worried about losing her. But don't sweat it -- with a little bit of honesty and communication, you'll be able to keep your girl by your side. Just make sure that you remember to make her feel special and that you are able to spend a lot of quality time with her and give her space.


1. If you believe that your girlfriend is Ms’ Right, then she should be your number one life priority: you should care for her as you care for yourself. If your girlfriend is indeed Ms’ Right, she'll do the same for you.



2. Be honest. Do all that you ever can to never lie to your girl, and if you do, own up to it immediately? If you truly love someone, you cannot hide a lie; you will feel terribly guilty, and when (not if) she finds out, everything you have ever told her is called into question---even "I love you."


3. Communicate. You have to respect her thoughts, always listen to what she says. Listen to her, girls don't like it when guys don't listen.


4. Respect her through listening and show her how much you care for her.


5. Work out your problems. In real relationships saying sorry is the first step of many. It will not solve the problem alone-you need to talk to solve it, but it will help open the doors of communication.



6. If she makes you really angry or has said something that could tempt her behaviour, show that you are hurt. She should respect you and understand your emotions and not act irrational.


7. Always try to make her feel like she's special. Women love to feel special.


8. Never, under any circumstances, make your Facebook status about another girl. Some girls get jealous others might assume that you are cheating.


9. Have a life outside of hers otherwise, you'll get clingy which only pushes her away, even if she is Ms’ Right. But never do whatever you like or whenever you like and forget the fact that your relationship also needs time.


10. If you haven´t spent a lot of time with her lately, but there's a game or a movie you want to go alone or with your friends, ask her if she doesn't mind. The lack of time you spend together just makes her feel like if you don´t even care anymore. After all, if you don't show to her that her opinion is important to you, that she is important and you're willing to spend time with her no matter what, how do you expect her to fill loved and respected? And if you haven´t had the time or opportunity to be together, tell her how special she is to you, how much you miss her, and try to make plans even though there is still one week missing. That will only show her how much you want to be with her. On the other hand, if she tries to make plans and you can´t, make sure that she understands why you can´t and realize that even if she wants it or not she will be sad, she misses you, so why not let her know that you feel the same and that you love her?
