Prime News Ghana

Akufo-Addo beat Mahama by less than 1m votes - EC official results show

By Jeffrey Owusu-Mensah
President Nana Akufo-Addo
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President Nana Akufo-Addo defeated former president John Mahama in the 2016 general elections by a little under one million votes and not 1.5 million as has been speculated.

The Electoral Commission declared the results of 271 out of the 275 constituencies with Mr Akufo-Addo polling 5,716,626 votes representing 53.85 percent against the then incumbent, John Mahama's 4,713,277 representing 44.70 percent.

Later, speculations surfaced that the that the difference of 1,003,349 at the time of declaration had shot up to 1.5 million. 

But according to the Daily Dispatch newspaper, official figures it has obtained after the collation of results from all the 275 constituencies puts the margin at 984,570.

Below is the final results of the 2016 Presidential elections:

Nana Akufo-Addo (NPP) – 5,755,758 representing 53.72%
John Dramani Mahama (NDC) – 4,771,188 representing 44.53%
Papa Kwesi Nduom (PPP) – 106,092 representing 0.99%
Ivor Kobina Greenstreet (CPP) – 25,552 representing 0.24%
Edward Mahama (PNC) – 22,298 representing 0.21%
Nana Konadu Rawlings (NDP) – 16,935 representing 0.16%
Jacob Osei Yeboah (IND) – 15, 911 representing 0.15%