Prime News Ghana

Court grants Hopeson Adorye GH¢20K bail

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Dansoman Circuit Court has granted GH₵20,000 bail to leading member of Alan Kyerematen’s Movement for Change, Hopeson Adorye with two sureties, one to be justified.

This was when he appeared before the court presided over by Her Honour El-Alawa Abdul-Baasit on Thursday.

He has been charged with publication of false news.

His arrest follows an interview in Accra, where he claimed to have been part of an orchestration to detonate dynamites to scare voters in the stronghold of the National Democratic Congress to pave the way for a New Patriotic Party (NPP) win.

“There is this issue in the Volta Region during elections that Togolese came and registered to vote. In 2016, they came to register alright, but I took it upon myself to disable the system so that they would not come and vote.

“I chose a team and made them swear an oath that they were not going to inform the regional executives of what we were going to do,” he narrated.

He added, “We had a relation who grew up there (Togo) and he had a good relationship with the traditional authorities there. So, he moved us from one authority to the other so we could engage them. When we met them, we gave them a lot of money (CFA) for them to use for advocacy, radio announcements and the like.”

Yaw Buaben Asamoa, a former Member of Parliament for Adentan described the arrest as politically motivated.

He also believes that Adorye’s arrest is an attempt to muscle the Movement for Change and silence Adorye, who has been vocal about his opinions.

“Because if Hopson has been up and running and there are people who are feeling a little edgy and Jiffy about some of the things he has been saying. And this is the way of muscling him, trying to frighten the movement for change, it won’t work. I believe strongly that it’s politically motivated.”