Prime News Ghana

Is there more to PPP’s ‘Montie 3’ counter petition book theft?

Dr. Papa Kwasi Nduom
Dr. Papa Kwasi Nduom
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Checks by 3FM has revealed contradictions in the story by Progressive People’s Party regarding its alleged stolen ‘petition against a presidential pardon’ for the Montie trio who are serving a four-month jail term. The announcement of the ‘stolen petition’ by the party Tuesday generated media attention and left many Ghanaians in utter shock.

But 3FM News has identified clear gaps in the narrative by the party and its officials, especially regarding the particular time the said petition was allegedly stolen from the party’s headquarters in Accra.

Led by its founder and flagbearer Dr. Papa Kwasi Nduom, the party issued a statement after midday Tuesday, indicating that the incident happened around 3:30 pm. In fact the party subsequently reported the matter to the Nima police. PPP communications director, Paa Kow Ackon, announced the missing petition in a Facebook post Tuesday evening, claiming the incident happened around 3:30pm.

Clearly, the party’s claim that the incident happened around 3:30pm is curious. That is because, Paa Kow Ackon spoke to 3FM’s Joab Brown at about 11:00am on Tuesday confirming the story.

“Just last night (Monday evening) I got the information from our executive director that one booklet that has more than a 1000 names has been stolen. Apparently a group of young people came there to sign their signature and after signing they realized that the book was nowhere to be found….” He said.

How did the petition, which Papa Kow Ackon initially claimed got missing Monday evening suddenly change to Tuesday?  How did the party know and speak about an issue that was yet to occur? Clearly, the narrative surrounding the whole issue raises the question as to whether the incident did happen in the first place. But National chair of the PPP, Allottey Brew Hammond, has attributed the contradiction to “shock”.

Paa Kow Ackon
on Tuesday

BREAKING NEWS...........
This is extremely shameful. At about 3:30pm today, about 4 young men stormed the PPP HQ to append their signature in the counter petition book. That book contains the names, signatures and telephone numbers of over 1,700 people. After these young men left, two other young men came to the office to sign; only for the Administrator to realize that the booklet was no where to be found. It is possible the young men who came to the party office to sign might have stolen the COUNTER PETITION BOOKLET. The case has been reported at the Nima Police Station pending investigation. However, we suspect our political opponents are behind this attack on the very foundation of our democracy. So after all the economic hardship inflicted on us, our democratic right is also under ATTACK? AWAKE GHANA!!!