Prime News Ghana

Teachers who accept posting to rural areas to get 20% pay rise - Mahama

By primenewsghana
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Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama has pledged that teachers who agree to serve in a rural school will be paid 20% of their salary as an incentive when elected President.

The initiative, the former President believes will encourage more teachers to accept postings to rural areas.

Mahama announced this in a post on Facebook.

“Teachers who agree to serve in a rural school will be paid 20 percent of their salary as incentives. this will encourage teachers to accept to serve in rural schools,” Mr Mahama said in an address on Sunday, June 9.

Mahama has also highlighted some of the policies he intends to implement for the creative economy if he wins the 2024 elections.

At a policy dialogue with the creative arts industry stakeholders held at the AH Hotel in Accra on Friday, June 7, 2024, the former President of Ghana acknowledged that the creative industry has a potential to create millions of jobs for Ghanaians.


He said elsewhere in the world, the most successful and the richest people are the creatives but the same cannot be said about Ghana.

“The creative arts is a very important industry and has the potential to create millions of jobs. All our young people who are sitting at home, many of them are talented but there are no opportunities for them to show their talents. So if we are able to put the creative industry on a sound footing, it will create opportunities for many of our young people,” he said.


Ahead of the launch of their manifesto, he mentioned some strategies they intend to use to elevate the industry if they are given the mandate to govern the country again.