Prime News Ghana

Elmina Sharks dissolves their Academy over suspected case of betting

By Vincent Ashitey
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Ghana Premier League side, Elmina Sharks have dissolved their Academy side for playing an unsanctioned game with the senior side of Sekondi Hasaacas at the Essipong Stadium in Takoradi.

The said match ended 4:0 in favour of Sekondi Hasaacas in a game which officials of the Elmina based side have denied any knowledge of.

According to a statement released by Elmina based club, their last friendly fixture was played against Medeama at the Nduom Sports Stadium on Wednesday 18th December 2019.

The team have therefore decided to dissolve their entire academy while they have also reported the organizers of the said game to the Police.

The full statement below:

"The management of Elmina Sharks have learnt with shock a match that was played today Friday 20th December, 2019 between Sekondi Hasacas football club and Elmina Sharks at the Essipong Stadium.

"Management wish to make it known that no such match happened. The last friendly match that was played by the Fearsome Elmina Sharks was against Medeama SC at Ndoum stadium on Wednesday 18th December, 2019.

"Preliminary investigation shows that some persons contacted the Academy side of Elmina Sharks without the knowledge of managment ti engage in this match.

"There is a case of suspected betting involved, in line with the zero tolerance for betting the Academy side of Elmina Sharks have been dissolved and all those involved have been sanctioned.

"A formal report will be sent to the GFA for organizers to be dealt with accordingly.

We ask all supporters of this great team to stay calm while management deals with this to its logical conclusion."