Prime News Ghana

GFA open Media Accreditation for upcoming 2019/20 season

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Ghana Football Association is pleased to announce that application for media accreditation process for the upcoming football season is officially open.

Media organizations interested in covering the various competitions of the GFA can officially apply for accreditation by sending a request to ( or present a letter (on an official letterhead) to the Communications Department of the GFA with names and passport size photographs of designated journalists.

All media houses should kindly note that requests that are not on official letterheads will not be considered.

Media houses are to note that accreditation does not confer rights for live commentary or live broadcast of matches. Live Commentary and broadcast rights are a preserve of the media right holders.

The following accreditation allocations will be made for the media:

  1. TV Stations - 15 journalists per media house
  2. Radio - 9 journalists per media house
  3. Print & online - 5 journalists per media house.

The accreditation process begins immediately and would be closed at 6:00pm on Monday 16 December, 2019.

Thank you.