Prime News Ghana

Great Olympics yet to officially communicate to me about my release - Godfred Saka

By Vincent Ashitey
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Great Olympics full back Godfred Saka says he is yet to be officially communicated to about his release from the club.

Saka who joined the Wonder Club four months ago is among a number of players the club have offloaded as part of reshuffle ahead of the second round of the league when it is safe to resume.

Others stars to be yanked alongside the former Aduana Stars players are, Emmanuel Clottey, Ernest Sowah and Ollenu Ashitey.

READ ALSO: . Former Aduana stars defender Godfred Saka joins Great Olympics 

According to Saka, he heard news of his release on radio and no management member from Great Olympics has informed him that club have parted company with him.

"Yes I also heard it on Radio, but no one has informed me officially. I called Emmanuel Clottey and he confirmed to me that it’s true.

"I call Olympics Management but there weren’t picking. I’m still waiting for them to officially communicate their decision to me.

“I signed a year contract with them. I still have some contract. My contract will end in November this year,” he told Twifiman FM.

READ ALSO:  Former Aduana stars defender Godfred Saka joins Great OlympicsÂ