Prime News Ghana

Technology News and More

Malawi and Unicef launch drone air corridor

Malawi has launched Africa's first air corridor to test the use of drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, in humanitarian missions in partnership with the UN children's agency, Unicef.

EU slaps Google with record $2.7 billion fine

European Union regulators slapped Google with a record €2.4 billion ($2.7 billion) antitrust fine on Tuesday, the latest broadside fired at big American tech companies doing business in the region.

A Significant Progress in the Quest for Medical Solution to Cancer

Adding abiraterone to hormone therapy at the start of treatment for prostate cancer improves survival by 37 per cent, according to the results of one of the largest ever clinical trials for prostate cancer presented at the 2017 ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Panasonic Launches UA7 Sound System in Asia

With the rise of LG, Hitachi among others in the home electronics appliances market, some who only knew of Panasonic only as a TV manufacturer have possibly thought it had been long kicked out of business.

Uber’s Battle for Survival

Every organization conducts its activities everyday deliberately avoiding internal as well as external threats to it business.

Wikipedia Boss, Jimmy Wales Launches Charity-Based News Site

Presently the leading online encyclopedia, Wikipedia is more or less a household name today when it comes to quick reference for organized information on about anything. Now the man behind that brand, is shifting his attention to a new area: news service.

Internet pioneer Robert Taylor dies

One of the founding fathers of the internet, Robert Taylor, has died.

While working at the Pentagon in the 1960s, he instigated the creation of Arpanet - a computer network that initially linked together four US research centres, and later evolved into the internet.

Recounting the Cost: businesses lose billions to cyber breaches

Few issues have dominated the business and political environment in recent times like cyber-attacks or as many would consider it, cyber breaches. Stories of power cuts in Ukraine, the alleged US election data breaches by Russia, the WikiLeaks fiasco, and a similar claim of hack into Ghana’s Electoral Commission’s site at the heat of the December 2016 elections.

UK bans electronic devices on flights

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been intense battle in and out of courtrooms against what might well be regarded as one of the most controversial decisions in US Presidential history: a travel ban that shuts out eight countries tagged as potential threats to the United States national security.

Uber’s President, Jeff Jones Steps Down

Over the past one month, he has been at the fore-front of the resistance against President Trump’s travel ban by corporate leaders but the latest announcement to hand over the leadership of the transportation network giant - Uber after merely six months on the job, was “completely unexpected”.