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KENYA: Stop destroying Kenya’s economy, President Uhuru tells Raila Odinga

By PrimeNewsGhana
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President Uhuru Kenyatta has asked the National Super Alliance (NASA) presidential candidate, Raila Odinga, to stop destroying Kenya’s economy by staging violent demos for his selfish gain. President Uhuru said that such moves by the Opposition jeopardise the country’s economy, destroy infrastructure, derail development and spread insecurity.

“I am telling Raila not to jeopardise the economy because that is what brings the taxes that fund services for Kenyans. Do not let your interest defeat the interest of 45 million Kenyans,” stated the President on Friday. Speaking in Meru town, the Head of State also warned the NASA coalition against the violent protests that lead to the Destruction of property.

“You can go on with your demonstrations but do not destroy the property of Kenyans. Today a supermarket was destroyed in Kisumu. What wrong did the owner of the supermarket commit? The water supply in Kisumu was also destroyed. Is that the development that the Kenyan people want?” Uhuru asked. The President also stressed that Raila should forget a ‘nusu mkate’ (coalition government), saying that he should rally his supporters to vote for him in the repeat presidential poll slated for October 26.

Uhuru was reacting after anti-IEBC protesters looted Tumaini Supermarket and an eatery in Kisumu, destroying property on Friday. According to some of the locals, angry youths vented their anger on the businesses after they were denied access to IEBC offices in the county.

The looting happened as Opposition protests to push for reforms in the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) ahead of a fresh presidential poll.

In Kisumu, hundreds of protesters turned up in large numbers and paralysed transport along the Kisumu-Kakamega highway. The protesters lit bonfires and blocked roads using boulders and burnt tyres. Police intervened and dispersed the demonstrators. The NASA brigade accuses some IEBC officials of bungling the August 8 presidential election in favour the incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta.


Credit: standardmedia