Prime News Ghana

Great Ampong speaks, says Lumba took away about GH¢2 million of album launch proceeds

By Michael Eli Dokosi
Lumba and Great Ampong
Lumba and Great Ampong
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Great Ampong had tried to be dignified after the disastrous aftermath of the ‘Hosanna’ album launch on which he and highlife great Daddy Lumba collaborated.

Information was rife that after the album launch in 2015 at the Glorious Waves International Church, Daddy Lumba took the proceeds and has seen refused to render accounts or give his co-collaborator any share of the raised sum.

Ampong had earlier disclosed while undertaking publicity for the album launch that Lumba was one of the music greats he admired so when the chance came to produce an album with him he was delighted but that enthusiasm must have faded with Lumba’s unyielding posturing.

Yet the Adventist had refused to speak publicly till Saturday, July 9 when he granted an interview via phone to Assin Fosu based Nkwa FM.

According to a source who monitored the interview conducted by one Fungy on their entertainment show, Ampong alleged that just before the launch was concluded Lumba instructed Atinka FM’s Roman Father to buy a ‘Ghana Must Go’ bag which he brought and stashed the realised funds in adding he is of the conviction that about GH¢2 million was put in that bag.

Ampong the source says also alleged that it was from that day on that Lumba refused to pick his calls eventually switching his number such that when he even calls the call gets blocked.

Lumba’s supposed actions pained Ampong the more when his mother fell ill for which he needed funds yet Lumba will not budge to give him his share of the proceeds.

It got interesting as Ampong once again recounted how Lumba asked his cousin to purchase fish on his behalf with the pledge of paying back the sum but has till date not settled his debt.

Ampong it is said is yet to receive a dime from the launch and album sales proceeds of the over twenty thousand copies of CDs sold.

Some reports have claimed the ‘Hossana’ album cost GH¢31,000 to produce.