Prime News Ghana

President enjoys support from film stars

By Michael Eli Dokosi
President with filmmakers & stars
President with filmmakers & stars
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Some notable filmmakers, actors and actresses are damning the consequences and outing themselves as supporters of John Dramani Mahama.

According to reports a video containing some of the stars endorsing the National Democratic Congress’ presidential candidate shall soon be unveiled.

A producer of Peace FM’s Entertainer Review show Mustapha Inusah a.k.a. Attractive has posted recent photos of him displaying president Mahama paraphernalia and some reports suggests he has toured some constituencies in Kumasi and the Central region sharing the achievements in the Green Book of the ruling party.

While some of the stars say they have composed songs for the president others showed their endorsement videos while meeting the Head of State stressing they shall work for him to secure a second term despite Kumasi being a tough place to be an NDC sympathiser thanks to the antics of the opposition  chairman and other leading opposition figures.


Ghanaians will be heading to the polls to elect parliamentary representatives and a president in November.