Prime News Ghana

Ambulance case: Godfred Dame won't resign, NDC's tape doctored - NPP

By Vincent Ashitey
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The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has swiftly responded to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on the call for Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Justice, Godfred Dame to resign immediately.

The call for Godfred Dame's resignation according to the NDC is for bringing the office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice into disrepute and public opprobrium.

The opposition party believes the Attorney-General has violated Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 2423 - Legal Profession (Professional Conduct and Etiquette) Rules, 2020, and Section 315 of the Criminal Offences Act and for that purpose, the leading opposition political party want the Attorney General to be prosecuted for the alleged violations.

At a press conference in Accra on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 addressed by the National Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the party warned that if the president does not take action, the next NDC administration will.

Additionally, the NDC is asking the General Legal Council to begin disciplinary sanctions against the Attorney-General.

They are also calling for a televised Parliamentary probe into the matter.

The controversy stems from an allegation made by Richard Jakpa, an accused person standing trial alongside Dr Cassiel Ato Forson for allegedly causing financial loss of €2.37 million to the state over an ambulance deal.

However, the NPP at a separate press conference addressed by the Lawyer Frank Davis said the AG who has been "resolute in his work won't sign" 

He stated that the tape played by the NDC had been "doctored."

"The calls for resignation for the  Attorney-General are misplaced and unwarranted."

"The  Attorney-General won't resign, he'll continue to remain witty, resolute, and focused on the delivery of his work as he does always."