Prime News Ghana

Ambulance case: NDC's 4 key demands to restore credibility to Attorney-General’s office

By Vincent Ashitey
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The National Democratic Congress is demanding the immediate resignation or dismissal of Godfred Dame for bringing th office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice into disrepute and public opprobrium.

This comes after NDC on Tuesday, May 28 released a 16-minute tape as evidence to support the claims made by the third accused, Richard Jakpa, in the ambulance case against the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

According to the NDC, the recording captures a conversation between Godfred Dame and Richard Jakpa, in which Dame allegedly coached Jakpa on the statements to make in court, specifically targeting the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

This tape, according to the NDC, substantiates Jakpa’s claims and raises serious questions about the conduct of the Attorney General in this high-profile case.

The party noted that said, "Considering the scandalous nature of this recording and other forms of evidence we have shown you, we wish to make the following pressing demands as part of efforts to restore credibility to the Attorney-General’s office and Ghana’s judicial system as a whole."


1. The immediate and unconditional resignation or dismissal of Godfred Dame for bringing the high office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice into disrepute and public opprobrium.

Clearly, Mr. Dame is not fit to hold himself out as Attorney-General and Minister of Justice. He is unfit to be the Leader of the Ghanaian Bar.

2. The immediate prosecution of Godfred Dame for multiple violations of the laws of Ghana. We wish to make it clear that should President Akufo-Addo fail to prosecute him, a future NDC government will prosecute Godfred Dame for this heinous crime of fabrication of evidence.

3. Commencement of disciplinary proceedings by the General Legal Council against Godfred Dame and his disbarment for conduct unbecoming of a lawyer and more importantly the leader of the Ghana Bar.

4. A publicly-televised Parliamentary inquiry into this and other reports of judicial manipulations by Godfred Dame with a view to censure Godfred Dame to prevent the recurrence of such judicial manipulations.