Prime News Ghana

Green Book not big enough to show more achievements – NDC Communicator

Francis Dodovi
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A member of the Ashanti Regional Communications team of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) Francis Dodovi, is claiming that the Green Book of the party only contains a fraction of the achievements of the current government.

According to Francis Dodovi, not even a book like the size of an ‘Advanced Learners Dictionary’ would be able to record the developmental projects established by the government, stressing that the ruling government accomplishments exceeds past governments.

The NDC Communicator acknowledges as a matter of fact that even though President John Dramani Mahama has not transformed the country to look like Abu Dhabi, his achievements are visible for people to see refuting claims that pictures and projects in the party’s Green Book are mere artistic imprints.

Speaking on Abusua FM, he stated “our one million-vote project is on course. The work President Mahama has done in his four years in government surpasses what former President John Agyekum Kufour in all his eight-year mandate did.”,

Comparing the leading candidates for the December polls, Francis Dovodi stated Nana Akufo-Addo has no record to lean on except projects he undertook while serving as a Member of Parliament (MP) quickly pointing out that president Mahama has a lot to show since becoming leader.

“We have paid our dues and I am optimistic president Mahama will be given a second term by Ghanaians because he delivered on his promises”, he concluded.