Prime News Ghana

I wish I was given time to bring success to Hearts of Oak - Kim Grant opens up on his sack

By Mutala Yakubu
Kim Grant
Kim Grant
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Kim Grant has spoken after being sacked by Accra Hearts of Oak today December 31, 2019.

Accra Hearts of Oak have terminated his contract after twelve months.

The club's official statement reads "Accra Hearts of Oak and Director of Football Kim Grant have parted ways."

"Edward Nii Odoom takes over with immediate effect as the head coach.

READ ALSO: Just in: Hearts of Oak part ways with Kim Grant after 12 months

"The club would like to ask for continuous support for Coach Odoom and we wish Coach Grant the very best in his future endeavours."

Kim Grant after this took to social media to wish the club well in future, he wrote :Dear Phobians,

I have now left my post as director of football and head coach of Accra hearts of Oak and would like to thank you unconditionally for the amazing support throughout this last year.

I only wish I was given time to bring success to this great club, which i know and believe i would have achieve the success you the supporters deserve.

I wish all involved in the club future success and as one door closes another door opens.

A happy and healthy new year to all.

Phooooooooobia, Never Say Die until the bones are rotten!!!!!!!

Thank you.

Kim grant