Prime News Ghana

Police on manhunt for suspects who attacked coach Maxwell Konadu

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Ghana Police Service has begun a search for persons who attacked Nsoatreman head coach Maxwell Konadu during their game against Bofoakwa Tano over the weekend.

Konadu was attacked at the end of the game at the Sunyani Coronation Park and was eventually hospitalised at the Sunyani Regional Hospital for medical attention.

Nsoatreman called on the Ghana Police Service to take action against the perpetrators of the attack at the venue.

Less than 24 hours after the unfortunate incident, the Police have issued a statement confirming their search for the suspects.

"The Police are on a manhunt for two persons who attacked the coach of Nsoatreman FC, Mr. Maxwell Konadu, during a football game, yesterday, 19th November 2023, at the Sunyani Coronation Park," the statement read.

"The coach who sustained a head injury during the attack is currently receiving medical attention.

"We wish to assure the public that we will surely get the suspects arrested to face justice."

The matchday 11 fixture ended in a stalemate with no goals recorded at the Coronation Park which means Nsoatreman maintain their second place with 20 points from 11 matches, 1 point away from leaders Aduana FC who lost 2-1 to Karela United on Saturday.