Prime News Ghana

5 health benefits of papaya seeds

By Vincent Ashitey
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Specifically, pawpaw seeds contain nutrients that help heal cirrhosis of the liver and improve kidney health, as well as preventing renal failure.

It is not for nothing that Christopher Columbus termed pawpaw, the "Fruit of Angels."

And that he did so cannot be surprising to anyone who knows the health benefits of papaya seeds (the Fanta colour fruit).

Papaya as it is also known, carries some of the most incredible health benefits that can be contained in any fruit. Its leaves are as medicinal as any other leaf can be.

READ ALSO: 6 health benefits of drinking bitter leaf juice

And when it comes to taking good care of our skin, pawpaw's skin can be very useful. Such is the richness of pawpaw that even its seeds contain some of the most surprising health benefits.

Specifically, pawpaw seeds contain nutrients that help heal cirrhosis of the liver and improve kidney health, as well as preventing renal failure. Its anti-inflammatory properties help treat arthritis and joint disease.

In addition, pawpaw seeds contain an alkaloid called carpaine that kills intestinal worms and amoeba parasites. And the papain in them helps in effective digestion of protein. (However, you should avoid if pregnant).

It is also important to note that pawpaw seeds can prevent and cure a good number of ailments related to the liver, gut, intestinal worms, and even diseases like dengue fever.

Here are some of the unbelievable health benefits of pawpaw seeds

Owing to some of the vital nutrients contained in them, pawpaw seeds help heal cirrhosis of the liver. They also help to detoxify the liver and keep disease s at bay, by eating a small amount of regularly.

However, in other to treat liver cirrhosis with it, take 5 or 6 dried papaw seeds and grind them up or crush them and take them with lime juice.

Do this every day for thirty days.

Studies have shown that a few pawpaw seeds kill harmful bacteria like E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Salmonella.

They also help fight viral infections, dengue, and other diseases. Additionally, pawpaw seeds mixed with milk are an excellent cure for typhoid fever.

And in Costa Rica, papaw seeds have been extensively used to fight aga (a condition that causes a progressive decline in mental functioning).

According to professors from the University of Karachi, a public research university located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, papaya seeds are said to be very effective when it comes to the treatment of kidney diseases

Results from studies carried out in the university show that pawpaw seeds can be used for treating kidney disease and preventing renal failure.

Studies have shown that pawpaw seeds minimize the risk of cancer. And this is because the milky sap that pawpaw seeds produce contains acetogenin.

Acetogenin, on the other hand, prevents cancer cells from growing in the body.

Other studies have also shown that pawpaw seeds and pawpaw leaves are effective in tackling cancer and preventing cancer from happening.

And in countries like Japan, most people drink pawpaw leaf tea with a little bit of pawpaw seed for a long period as it is believed to maintain a healthy body.

Pawpaw seeds do not only prevent aging, they also make our skin wrinkle-free. And this is because the nutrients contained in pawpaw seeds can help your body and your skin to rejuvenate better as some of the nutrients from the body will not be easily regenerated as the body gets older.

Studies have also shown that pawpaw seeds help in regenerating the old and dead skin cells, and by so doing, it helps to maintain the beauty of the skin.