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Airtel MD, Lucy Quist named Telecom CEO for 2015

Managing Director of Airtel, Lucy Quist
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Managing Director of Airtel Ghana, Lucy Quist was last Saturday named as the Telecom CEO of the year at the Ghana ICT and Telecom Awards (GITTA) at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel.

The CEO of the year award – the most prestigious honour is conferred on a CEO in the industry who has demonstrated exceptional leadership, inspired their team to deliver exceptional results for the year under review and one who is personally involved in a social cause to transform lives.

Lucy Quist, who is the reigning CIMG Marketing Woman of the year came tops among all the CEOs in the industry for her exceptional drive and leadership, her ability to inspire and lead her team to deliver extraordinary results that has transformed Airtel Ghana into the fastest growing telecom company in Ghana and leapfrogging it into the number 3 position for data market share.

The award was also in recognition of her selfless dedication to inspire young people to believe in themselves and to fully realise their potential.

Reading the citation for her award, the organisers, Instinctwave also commended Lucy for her passion to inspire young people through the Evolve with STEM initiative, for her high media visibility.

According to Akin Naphtal, CEO of Instinctwave the Airtel MD’s media visibility as well as her social initiatives scored her high points for this accolade.

“Lucy Quist has been one of the most media friendly CEOs within the year under review. The [Evolve with] STEM initiative which she is personally spearheading will go a long way to encourage younger ones to venture into science and technology.”

“Since assuming the role of CEO of Airtel Ghana in May 2014, Lucy Quist has led the transformation of the company and refocused her team on delivering exceptional experiences for customers, delivering world class innovations to enrich customers experience and pursing a differentiated strategy that has positively positioned Airtel Ghana for growth".