Prime News Ghana

Joint taskforce seizes 3 trucks of smuggled vegetable oil in Accra

By Primenewsghana
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A taskforce comprising the Tree Crop Development Authority, the Oil Palm Development Association of Ghana, the Ghana Revenue Authority—Customs Division, and National Securit, has intercepted three Man Diesel cargo trucks containing smuggled cooking oil at the Tetteh Quarshie roundabout in Accra.

The leader of the task force, Dr. Paul Amaning, informed the media that National Security operatives received intelligence about the vegetable oil being smuggled into the country from Togo.

The intercepted oil was brought in through unapproved routes to evade taxes and import duties.

Dr. Amaning emphasized that, smuggling activities result in a significant loss for criminal syndicates attempting to bypass legal channels.

He explained that, the task force’s mission is to ensure that locally produced cooking oils are sold in the market, thereby stimulating the economy and creating jobs along the value chain.

He also warned the public, particularly market women, to avoid smuggling vegetable oil across land borders into the country.

The task force, along with personnel from the Customs Preventive Division, escorted the three trucks to the Airport branch for an official examination.