Prime News Ghana

Felix Annan vows to fight for Kotoko place

By Vincent Ashitey
Felix Annan
Felix Annan
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Asante Kotoko goalkeeper Felix Annan has insisted that he is completely focused on regaining a starting place in Maxwell Konadu's side.

Annan who began the season as the club's no.1 goalkeeper has lost his place to Kwame Baah after getting married in February.

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He was in post for the opening 4 matches of the season before taking a leave to go and tie the knot with his girlfriend.

Since his return, he has found it difficult to reclaim his spot. However, Annan who doubles as the captain of the club believes that while competition from Kwame Baah is healthy, he feels fit and ready to regain the number one spot.

“All my years at Kotoko and my playing career, I have been fighting for positions,” Annan told Kotoko Express App.

“So far as I'm in the club, I'm going to fight and give my best every minute I step onto that field.

“For me, [being out of favour] is not a problem at all.

"It's all about keeping on with my training and I will keep on fighting until I am no more in the club.”

Meanwhile, Asante Kotoko head coach Maxwell Konadu on Monday revealed why Kwame Baah has been keeping the posts since match day 5.

According to sources, Annan decision to marry mid season is the reason why he has lost his place to Baah.

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But Konadu has maintained Annan losing his place is due to 'sporting reasons' and made his mind up after the super clash against Hearts of Oak.

“The night before the Hearts (of Oak) game, usually I prefer to interact with my technical and players a night before a game than on matchdays,” Maxwell Konadu explained.

“I meet with my technical team and discuss everything about the match. We discuss who to play and who to be on the bench on the match day. Everyone brings his idea and then we discuss to find the best out of them.”

“In the said match, Kwame Baah was to start,” Maxwell Konadu continued.

“Felix had been excused the previous week to hold his wedding so it was only proper that we started Kwame Baah. And he did not disgrace himself. His performance was okay with us.”