Prime News Ghana

Isaac Nii Armah steps down as Great Olympics coach

By Vincent Ashitey
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Isaac Nii Armah as stepped down from his position as the head coach of Great Olympics.

The decision comes after a meeting between the management of the club and the coach where both parties mutually agreed to go their separate ways.

Coach Isaac Nii Armah confirmed the news in an interview on Oman FM while explaining that his resignation has become necessary because there are some personal issues he needs to attend to.

Yes it is true”, the gaffer said when asked if he has resigned.

He continued, “I met with the management of the club last week Thursday and told them there are one or two issues that I want to sort out. So after that meeting, I wrote to them to make it official so that I can go and sort out my issues”.

“Even though it was a tough decision for them to take, they took my issues into consideration and accepted it”.

Coach Isaac Nii Armah also assured fans of Great Olympics that he will return to take charge of the club once he finishes taking care of his personal issues.

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Nii Armah weeks ago disclosed that he has set a target of winning all of the first five matches naming it "Operation 15 points", failure to achieve the said target means he will honourably resign. 

”We want to win all the five matches at the start of the season.

We have named it “Operation 15 points” but then, if after the first seven matches, Olympics do not have the points needed to stay up in the league, I will resign because I want to keep my self-respect and dignity intact.

"I hope that it does not happen because I want to win the first five matches but then, in football, anything can happen.”

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