Prime News Ghana

Features and Opinions

Elizabeth Ohene: Only lawyers will understand

I am not sure I can work out why law has become such a sought-after profession. Young people, old people, half of the public service, it looks like everybody wants to become a lawyer.

Meme culture and content creation: Drawing the intellectual property line


The digital economy has given rise to the enormous growth of social media in almost every sphere of our lives driven by online humor and sarcasm – particularly in the use of memes. The rise in the use of memes is lauded as a worldwide sensation and global phenomenon which has swept every corner of our digital space and content creation over the past decade.

Ghana Airports Company, please bring back the airport romance!

Following my ordeal of having to stand for more than two excruciatingly tiring hours at the Departure Hall of the Kotoka International Airport last Monday evening, waiting for a flight departure, I have some questions for the airport authorities:
Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL), why does it seem that you want to discourage people from visiting the airport, particularly seeing passengers off?

Wizkid's "no show": The legal implications for events management


It is Christmas and as usual, Accra is once again a tourist haven and holiday destination for resident Ghanaians, diasporans and other foreigners. On one hand, there is the joy at the plethora of shows and events whose eye-popping billboards are all over town.

Anny Osabutey writes: Of haircuts and baldies

The past few weeks have been such a difficult one for baldies in this country, thanks to government’s decision to subscribe to a haircut. It is almost like bald people are living in an era of Armageddon.

Indonesia's new sex laws and what they could mean for tourism

Tourism operators in Indonesia are still trying to recover from the devastating impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now the country's parliament has passed new laws that some fear could turn tourists away once again - because having sex out of wedlock is set to be outlawed.

How players dribble around Ghana's nationality laws

In our series of letters from African journalists, Elizabeth Ohene considers why Ghana's nationality laws do not extend to the country's football team, the Black Stars, who are playing at the World Cup in Qatar.

Prof. Kwesi Yankah: My time with Anas

I was all set, going to see the latest operation by this mystery man, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, who for two decades had gotten Ghana turning on his five fingers.

‘Abrokyire Abrabo’: My wahala in Germany

Well, in last week’s issue the end to my wahala in Germany began. I packed bags, headed for the airport, was booked on an early flight to Frankfurt, en route to Accra, Ghana, my motherland.

Elizabeth Ohene: Four years of unexplained silence

I have not seen the latest Anas video, dubbed Galamsey Economy. I am following the stories surrounding the video and I acknowledge that many of us had been sent off track when the first announcement of the approach of the video was made.

Somalia drought: One boy's fight to save his family from starvation

Eleven-year-old Dahir weaves his way between a growing cluster of homemade huts on the edge of Baidoa, heading to a tin-roofed school building near the main road. He is wearing his only shirt and trousers, and clutching his one other possession – a new schoolbook.

Anas writes: Our Minister & the cash

He is a Harvard trained don, deified and deemed devout, dependable, dynamic, down-to-earth, decisive, and the very definition of dexterity in economics and development.

Galamsey and water security threat

The Odaso treatment plant of the Ghana Water Company Limited faces imminent shut down following the continuous pollution of the Oda River by activities of illegal miners.