Prime News Ghana

Features and Opinions

Kofi Totobi Quakyi writes on Ejura incidents

Like many Ghanaians, the events in Ejura in the Ashanti Region this week have left me shocked, saddened and greatly concerned about the present state of affairs in our country.

COVID lab-leak theory: ‘rare’ genetic sequence doesn’t mean the virus was engineered

The theory that the COVID-19 pandemic was triggered by the Sars-CoV-2 virus being leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China was recently given new life following an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in which the authors claimed: “the most compelling reason to favour the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in science”. But does the science really support the claim that the virus was engineered in a laboratory?

Opinion: '534 kids dead....and their blood was red' by Dr Adoma Dwomo-Fokuo Odame

Dear Group of Honourable Members of Parliament (G-275),

It’s about four weeks since one Honourable was sad, angry and pissed because he experienced a fraction of what we go through every single day of our life working in Child health in Ghana. Since then I have watched some of you talking in the media along political party lines, bragging about what governments past and present have done for healthcare in Ghana.

Opinion: 'A week on: Executive day of shame' by Kofi Asante


Let me start by saying that, I am personally angry and devastated by the state of affairs and injustice in the system.

As a youth, good governance, media, and press freedom advocate, I have noticed with dismay the level of despondency among young people in the Republic of Ghana.

The National Commission on Civic Education's (NCCE) report just affirmed what some of us have warned and spoken about for years.