Our onetime friend in the Ghanaian Civil Society Movement, the Founder of the Danquah Institute and strategist behind a dozen activist fronts, from Let My Vote Count Alliance to Alliance for Accountable Governance, has some advice for those of us still on the frontlines: keep your shirts on!
The raging impasse between the University Teachers’ Association of Ghana (UTAG) and the Government of Ghana is another reminder of one of the many things that we in Ghana have become all too familiar with, namely, the frequent use of strike actions by various labour unions to drum home their demands for better conditions of service from Governments.
We have a ritual in Ghana. Every once in a while, the country’s Auditor General compiles the highlights of what she found when her battalion of public auditors went through the books of various public sector institutions in line with the Constitution and various laws requiring this undertaking on a periodic (usually annual) basis.
Rethinking their relationships with private lenders is key to achieving sustainable debt for African countries, say Isaac Fukuo and Bathsheba Asati of Botho Emerging Markets Group.
My last encounter with my brother Samuel Marful-Sau was when the two of us decided to attend the funeral of another dear brother, the late Charles Obeng- Mensah, the former Chairman and Managing Director of Union Oil, at the company’s head office in Accra on 29th August 2020.
From my experience working with President Akufo-Addo I can bet my last pesewa that the report of the adhoc parliamentary committee on the Sputnik V – Covid-19 vaccine procurement was just a smokescreen behind which to exonerate and whitewash all the suspected unconstitutionalities and illegalities committed by the Government in the procurement contract and payment for the vaccines.
Andrew Mbabila Amuna had missed his mother and father, so he invited them to visit him in the United States. Some months earlier, William and Genevieve Amuna had missed the graduation ceremony of Andrew, a young and promising engineer, who secured a job at Sweitzer Engineering Laboratories, USA, immediately after that graduation.
The goal of every business unit should be to gather data, turn these data into information then use this information as insight to drive the decision of the business.
I went on a pilgrimage last Thursday to the sea defence project at Axim. This was a very personal and emotional journey, so maybe I need to declare my interest.
1. I have searched archived documents and held discussions with some surviving retired teachers, Members of Parliament and seasoned academics who experienced the regime of Kwame Nkrumah, such as Prof Ivan Addae Mensah, former politician and former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana.
In the coming week, several matters related to the oil and gas industry in Ghana will hog the airwaves. For us in Ghana, we have prided ourselves in the fact that we are a small but prosperous country, but one that has not been able to maximize its divine providence of natural resources.
Do you know that Ghana will save millions of dollars because the Sputnik vaccine deal has been canceled? Each dose of the vaccine costs $10 but Ghana was paying $19 per dose because we went through a middle man, a Sheik from the Gulf states.
After years of pressure, Germany recently announced that an agreement had been reached to return hundreds of priceless artefacts and artworks that had been looted from Nigeria in colonial times and were on display in German museums.
Something interesting is happening at the University of Ghana. I don’t think there was any big, strategic plan. It certainly has nothing to do with quotas or affirmative action. But the University of Ghana has suddenly turned very feminine.
The COVID-19 Delta variant (also known as B.1.617.2 variant) was first seen in India in December 2020, and later detected in the United States in March 2021.
A lot has changed since the digital revolution began in the 1980s with the launch of the “Internetâ€. Subsequently, technological developments on the back of the internet such as mobile devices, social media networking, big data, clouds services among others have led to disruptive experiences to our traditional, pre-internet ways of work and life.
We have in the last few weeks been following the heated debates that have arisen as a result of some passengers challenging the outcome of their COVID-19 test results at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA).
Democracy is a system of government that is thought of by many as the perfect utopia. In African countries, every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions, every lofty vision of new possibilities for the citizens has been associated with the practice of democratic governance.
When Tokyo, Japan won the bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games after the 2016 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympics, no stretch of imagination could have foreseen the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games being held without spectators.
Has anyone seen the United States Olympics Women Gymnastic team? If you haven’t, please go and take a look. It wasn’t that long ago when specialist writers were telling us that gymnastics was beyond Black people.
In 2020 when the Covid -19 pandemic hit the world, many thought that was the biblical end-time much talked about. Not only did religious activities suffer the brunt of the pandemic but it also shook the faith of many, who questioned God and why he would allow his people to suffer such destruction and death.
We’ve all heard business owners who say, they target “anyone interested in our products and services.†and many of us have also seen small businesses that try to be all things to all people.