Kindly permit me to use your medium that undoubtedly has a far-reaching target audience to notify the Minister for Roads and Highways (Hon. Amoako Attah) of the potential road menace, that is brewing and will manifest sooner or later if it is not properly addressed.
It beats logic as to why one should play down on security and safety even in one’s own backyard. Yet, when the unfortunate happens we shout the loudest for government to step in and help.
The theory that the COVID-19 pandemic was triggered by the Sars-CoV-2 virus being leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China was recently given new life following an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in which the authors claimed: “the most compelling reason to favour the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in scienceâ€. But does the science really support the claim that the virus was engineered in a laboratory?
Back in the 1970s, I would travel with my parents to Accra from Prestea or Tarkwa, where I grew up, to visit my maternal grandmother at Teshie-Nungua Estates.
It is argued that more attention should be paid to the alignment of voter demands with incentives of parliamentarians to pave the way for oversight capacity.
Ghana’s debt position at the end of 2020 stood at GH¢292 bn (76 per cent of GDP) which at the going rate of GHS5.78 to US$, translates into US$50.52bn is quite alarming and requires the requisite attention of the citizenry.
Prior to the attack in Grand Bassam in March 2016, domestic Security Services in Cote d’ Ivoire, Senegal and Ghana were informed by French Intelligence of credible information of an imminent attack.
Former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu, released a statement which, according to him, is a rejoinder to set the records straight and to expose to Ghanaians that President Nana Akufo-Addo and his family and friends instituted the Agyapa deal “to pull wool over the eyes of the public for their personal agenda."
Dear Group of Honourable Members of Parliament (G-275),
It’s about four weeks since one Honourable was sad, angry and pissed because he experienced a fraction of what we go through every single day of our life working in Child health in Ghana. Since then I have watched some of you talking in the media along political party lines, bragging about what governments past and present have done for healthcare in Ghana.
Nigeria’s decision to suspend Twitter indefinitely could backfire for the government and cost the country economically in terms of new investments into its technology sector. The Nigerian government suspended Twitter on June 4. The official press release gave only a vague justification, citing threats to “Nigeria’s corporate existenceâ€.
The consequence of a high power distance political culture and a missing link between Parliament and the Office of the Auditor-General— Valentin Kwasi Mensah, PhD.
As there are inadequate amount of ICUs in our hospitals and a large number of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients are being turned away despite struggling to breathe, medical professionals have recommended a number of health tips and tricks that might come handy during the pandemic.
Let me start by saying that, I am personally angry and devastated by the state of affairs and injustice in the system.
As a youth, good governance, media, and press freedom advocate, I have noticed with dismay the level of despondency among young people in the Republic of Ghana.
The National Commission on Civic Education's (NCCE) report just affirmed what some of us have warned and spoken about for years.
While countries — much like pharmaceutical companies — would undoubtedly like to reap the soft power benefits of helping other nations end the pandemic, admitting as much defies the purpose.
On a normal day, I would not be writing about an educational policy that is clear in terms of its intended objectives but what I witnessed yesterday scared me. It scared me so much that, I could not believe what I was hearing. I had a call from Adom TV to be a guest on the Big Agenda show at 5.30 pm.
A few days ago, I saw a video on social media of some men and women engaged in serious fisticuffs in what appeared to be the chamber of some Parliament.
I do not have enough fingers on both hands to count the number of times Ghana’s tourism administrations have attempted to translate domestic tourism from dreams to reality.
If I come across to colleagues as someone who has a near obsession with checking the meaning and use of words, I guess the October 1989 experience has something to do with that.
A day before I had to pack bag and baggage to return to my base, I called the technician, whose assistance I had sought to get my laptop fixed, to enquire if I could come over to pick it up. My laptop would simply not run fast enough; not even when I was opening a Microsoft Word document. So, his technical assistance had been requested days earlier.
On the day of African Union, I pray the current leaders will go back to the speeches of Ghana’s Osagyefo Dr, Kwame Nkrumah, David Dacko of the Central African Republic and Julius Kambarage Nyerere of Tanzania.
As far as voting in national elections goes, I probably am in pole position. I vote in the Manhyia South Constituency in Kumasi and my voting centre, Elizabeth Kessie Polling Station, is right outside my living room window of my home in Ashanti New Town’s Downtown.
Geeman was a Ghanaian dance champion way before I was born, somewhere in the 70s, with a replica of the style that brought Michael Jackson to global attention, Geeman won the best dancer of the world later and went on global tour with his MJ dance and music style.
I write to tell you that my love for you has faded away and I no longer wish to be in a relationship with you. Please note that this decision is not an impulsive one but I have very well thought through it. You were always my priority and I always made sure I served you with all heart, body, mind, and soul. I have served you in different capacities as an Electoral Commission Temporal Officer.