Prime News Ghana

Features and Opinions

'Unending works in progress' by Elizabeth Ohene

A wise man who knows about these things tells me, if you finish building inside your room before you go on site to cut the ground, you discover your building will take a very short time to complete. In other words, get all the money needed for the project before you start.

'The homosexual debate' by Stephen Apedo

Recently, before my first lecture on fallacies, I gave my Logic and Critical Thinking Class this test, ‘A group of eminent doctors have written to Parliament that abortion should be legalised because we should not criminalise rights.

'Let’s go for a run!' by Ellen Mimi Owusu

My husband and I are different in so many ways; he supports Manchester United, I support Chelsea, I love watching romantic and comedy movies, he is into Thrillers and Horrors, he loves manual cars, (which I cannot stand!) I am team automatic; he is always hot, am always cold, the list is endless.

'Celebrating my mother' by Elizabeth Ohene

If my mother were alive, she would have turned 100 on October 16, 2021. Mrs. Augustine Akosua Atafe Ohene, nee Asempapa, was born on October 16, 1921 in a little village near Mangoase in the then Gold Coast colony.

'Of the ‘low hanging fruit’ factor' by Ajoa Yeboah-Afari

I’ve often wondered why in this country the persistent reports of all sorts of sexual and other assaults of children, and brutalities against the vulnerable, especially women, never seem to excite the sort of overwhelming outcry that even the merest hint of homosexual news attracts.

Breakthrough malaria vaccine offers to reinvigorate the fight against the disease

The World Health Organization has announced a historic move: it has recommended the widespread use of the first ever malaria vaccine. The recommendation is based on the results of an ongoing pilot programme in Malawi, Ghana and Kenya. Malaria is a huge global health challenge, around 409,000 people died of malaria in 2019 alone.

'Should we do a Merkel?' by Elizabeth Ohene

Sixteen years is a very long time. I have living proof of what 16 years looks like in my house. My favourite niece Akua of Dwaben and Abutia was born 16 years ago, she is taller than me and a fully grownup young lady.

Opinion: Cynical ‘experts’ by Rodney Nkrumah-Boateng

I grew up in Tarkwa and Prestea in the Western Region and the regional capital, Takoradi, was my nearest big city with shimmering lights, wide streets, endless traffic and a vibrant night life to boot – a far cry from the two rather sleepy towns I was used to.

Opinion: ‘Demystifying Feminism’ by Mavis Ama Buari

Ever heard of Feminism or feminist?  If you have, then these words may either stir up resentment, insouciance or leave you so buoyed up.  What is feminism and why the fervid rejection or championship?  How do myths surrounding feminism affect gender, culture and development?

'Is digital currency the future of money?' by Kwami Ahiabenu, II

Currency is the anchor of modern society. Bartering which started off with items like animal skins, salt, weapons, etc., gave way over time to currency, the paper and coins-based medium of exchange. The evolution of money has given birth to digital currency.