Prime News Ghana

Lifestyle - Health - Relationships

This Is why you should sleep on your left side

We all know that duration of sleep is critical for mental and physical wellbeing, but it turns out that sleep position may be another important factor in the quest for optimum health.

Health benefits of dates

Dates is beneficial for both adults and children, especially during a time of recovery from injury or illness.

Ways wives hurt their husband’s feelings without knowing

It doesn’t matter if you’re the most sensitive person or someone who tends to take things with a grain of salt, feelings get hurt. While it probably isn’t intentional, the fact is sometimes feelings get hurt and it’s our responsibility as individuals to recognize the way our actions affect others.

Why your girlfriend has hidden her 'last seen' on WhatsApp

With the introduction of WhatsApp, communicating with your lover has been made easier and efficient especially with its friendly tools that indicate when someone is online, typing, recording a voice note, offline and even online.

Go on and complain, It's good for you

We've all done it. Whether it's about how horribly cold it is outside, how our pizza doesn't have enough cheese, how our boss is pissing off or how our partner might not be into us anymore, complaining is something we all do. And as much as breathing.

5 real reasons men cheat on their girlfriends

First of all, it’s important to note that not all men are cheaters. There are plenty of boyfriends out there who always stay honest, loyal, and faithful to their women.

Bride Price: 'My husband can't afford me'

"I don't view the Bride Price as me being paid for… Geoffrey can't afford me," says Angela, a British-born Ghanaian describing a family tradition common across Sub-Saharan Africa.